How a Yes Can Show Up In Your Body

Have you ever felt your heart do a happy dance or butterflies fluttering in your stomach? The subtle sensations, the release of tension, the warm embrace of self-compassion – that's how 'yes' can manifest in your body.

“Somatic awareness” is like deciphering a secret code your body has been using to speak to you all along.

It can be challenging to discern a “yes” in the aftermath of trauma and/or if anxiety is running the show. Hearing these cues can be like trying to listen to your favorite song in a loud, busy room – the melody gets lost amid the noise.

The very sensations that should signify affirmation can be overshadowed by the lingering echoes of fear and distrust.

Imagine becoming aware of these messages and understanding the direct link between your mind and body. This exploration isn't just about understanding your body; it's about reclaiming it.

The initial 'yes' could be as soft as a whisper, but as time passes and healing takes hold, it gains strength.

How a “Yes” can show up in your body:

  • A rush of energy or a sense of being “lit up”

  • Eyes sparkling and reflecting joy

  • Relaxed muscles and eased tension

  • Feeling warm, fuzzy, and tingling inside

Take a moment to reflect on a time something felt like a full-body “yes” and notice from your toes to your head what physical sensations came up. How can you use this mindful awareness the next time you want to say “yes”?

This journey involves relearning your body's language, deciphering its cues amid the echoes of the past, and embracing the genuine 'yes' as a powerful testament to your inner resilience and strength.

Ready to reclaim your body and embrace the genuine 'yes' within you? Let's embark on this transformative journey and rewrite the next chapter together. Get started today!

Holistic Therapy for inner child healing, people-pleasing, and anxiety is available to residents of Florida, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Vermont.

About the author: Sabrina Gelsinger-Rodorigo, LCSW, RYT-200 is a psychotherapist and yoga teacher who truly values holistic care. She supports women to overcome childhood trauma and embody the joy they long for. HHWS specializes in people pleasing, anxiety, and childhood wounds to help you heal from trauma, reparent your inner child, and embrace your authentic self.


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