How EMDR Therapy Helps You Practice Self-Compassion

It can be easy to seek validation from the outside and even harder to allow ourselves to receive it from the inside. But, the truth is: it doesn’t matter how many times you hear someone say “your needs and boundaries are important” or “your emotions are valid,” if you don’t believe it yourself.

Don’t get me wrong, it can feel fantastic, reassuring, and affirming in the moment but, it will ultimately resurface.

So, how do we work with self-compassion?

Start my practicing small moments of kindness, love, and acceptance for where you are right now.

Tell yourself what you most need to hear. If it’s easier, start with lower-stakes situations.

Give yourself grace along the way. Remember, you’re human first.

If you find it difficult to give yourself this gift of compassion, please know you are not alone. EMDR is an effective tool for flipping the script. Here are some examples:

  • ”I’m not enough.” to “I am enough as I am.”

  • ”I always mess up.” to “I am doing the best I can.”

  • ”My needs don’t matter.” to “My needs and boundaries are important.”

  • ”I f*cked up!” to “I forgive myself for making a mistake.”

  • ”It’s stupid I feel this way.” to “It’s okay I feel this way.”

  • ”I’m always going to be stuck.” to “I’ve come along way and I’m proud of my progress.”

  • ”I don’t deserve to feel x.” to ”It makes sense that I feel X and I accept this feeling without judgement.”

Not only does EMDR shift how your mind perceives situations and self-talk, but it supports your emotions and physical sensations.

Ready to embody the joy you long for and release blocks through mind, body, and spirit connection? Book a FREE Consultation for therapy today.

About the author: Sabrina Gelsinger-Rodorigo, LCSW, RYT-200 is a psychotherapist and yoga teacher who truly values holistic care. She supports women to overcome childhood trauma and embody the joy they long for. HHWS specializes in people pleasing, anxiety, and childhood wounds to help you heal from trauma, reparent your inner child, and embrace your authentic self. This blog post is for informational purposes only and does not substitute for mental health or medical advice.


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