How a No Can Show Up In Your Body

Have you felt the difference a “no” and a “yes” within? Sometimes it can be even harder to honor the “no.” Maybe there was a time when someone asked you for a favor or to take on a project and deep down you felt a “no,” but anxiety influenced saying yes and people pleasing.

Maybe there are times you were asked something that didn’t feel aligned, and you said “no” but still felt scared shitless of the person’s response.

Maybe there was a time you said “yes” spontaneously, but later needed to tell someone “no” and it stirred up these feelings.

If this sounds familiar, you’re not alone.

It takes tremendous courage to say no to people, places, and opportunities. Bringing awareness to how your body responds to your external environment can be helpful in decision making and make choices that feel the truest to you.

How a “No” can show up in your body:

  • A heavy or “sinking” sensation

  • Clammy “cold” hands and feeling nervous

  • Muscles tightening up and contracting to “protect”

  • Upset stomach as if there are “butterflies” inside

Ready to reclaim your body and embrace the genuine 'no' within you? Let's embark on this transformative journey and rewrite the next chapter together. Get started today!

Holistic Therapy for inner child healing, people-pleasing, and anxiety is available to residents of Florida, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Vermont.

About the author: Sabrina Gelsinger-Rodorigo, LCSW, RYT-200 is a psychotherapist and yoga teacher who truly values holistic care. She supports women to overcome childhood trauma and embody the joy they long for. HHWS specializes in people pleasing, anxiety, and childhood wounds to help you heal from trauma, reparent your inner child, and embrace your authentic self. This blog post is for informational purposes only and does not substitute for mental health or medical advice.


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