How a Yes Can Show Up In Your Body
Sabrina Rodorigo Sabrina Rodorigo

How a Yes Can Show Up In Your Body

Have you ever felt your heart do a happy dance or butterflies fluttering in your stomach? The subtle sensations, the release of tension, the warm embrace of self-compassion – that's how 'yes' can manifest in your body. “Somatic awareness” is like deciphering a secret code your body has been using to speak to you all along.

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Holistic Therapy is Different Than What You’ve Done Before. Here’s Why:
Holistics, Trauma, Mind Body Spirit Sabrina Rodorigo Holistics, Trauma, Mind Body Spirit Sabrina Rodorigo

Holistic Therapy is Different Than What You’ve Done Before. Here’s Why:

Holistic therapy recognizes the intricate connection between your thoughts, emotions, and physical well-being. We dive deep into your inner world and understand the roots of your challenges. It’s not just about addressing symptoms, it’s about nourishing your entire being. It creates a deep connection within…

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