Why Positive Affirmations Alone Don’t Work

Would you believe me if I said positive affirmations don't work if you haven't addressed the trauma that tells you a different story?

 Maybe you’ve tried reciting “I am good enough,” or “I am abundant,” but neither of these felt or sounded true. 

Your body and nervous system need to be on the same page for them to work.

 It’s like trying to force a smile when you feel deeply sad. It just doesn’t feel genuine. 

The good news EMDR helps you process past hurts to rewrite limiting beliefs and create internal safety in your body.

EMDR helps create internal safety in your body and rewrite the beliefs from past hurts by also looking at your emotions and physical feelings.

See trauma doesn’t know the different between “then” vs “now”. Your body and mind literally want to keep you safe.

The experience will never change, but how you relate to it and yourself will.

If you’ve ever seen Inside Out 2, EMDR works a little something like that

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👋 Follow @holistictherapywithsabrina to learn more about EMDR and healing your inner child, from a therapist who truly gets it.

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About the author: Sabrina Cruz, LCSW, RYT-200 is a psychotherapist and yoga teacher who truly values holistic care. She supports women to break free from people-pleasing and unapologetically embody their light. HHWS specializes in people pleasing, anxiety, and childhood wounds to help you heal from trauma, reparent your inner child, and embrace your authentic self.

This blog post is for informational purposes only and does not substitute for mental health or medical advice.


Therapist Thoughts: “Everything about therapy is going to make you feel uncomfortable in the beginning.”


4 Things I Do When I Feel The Urge to Say “Yes” (As A Therapist & Recovering People-Pleaser)