5 Signs Your Inner Child Needs Therapy

We hear so much about self-care – bubble baths, face masks, a treat-yourself day. But what about taking care of the little you that's still inside?

Your inner child holds onto all the experiences, positive and negative, from your younger years. Sometimes, these experiences can leave them feeling hurt, scared, or unseen. Cue your inner child acting out in relationships, at work, and more. Therapy can be a powerful tool to help you heal your inner child through validation, reparenting, and empowerment.

So, how do you know if your inner child might benefit from therapy? Here are 5 signs to watch out for:

1. You Have a Loud Inner Critic

Do you find yourself constantly putting yourself down? That voice in your head telling you you're not good enough? That you should be doing more? This is likely your inner critic, fueled by past experiences. Inner child therapy can help you identify the root of the criticism, challenge it, and replace it with self-compassion.

2. People-Pleasing Like a Pro (But at What Cost?)

If you bend over backwards to make everyone else happy, but yourself… this could be a sign your inner child is still seeking approval they may not have received in the past. Inner child work can help you develop healthy boundaries and prioritize your own needs.

3. Feeling Overwhelmed by Emotions?

If you cry easily or get super angry over seemingly small things, or intense emotions seem to come out of nowhere, it’s likely your inner child might be holding onto unresolved emotional baggage. Inner child therapy can help you process these emotions in a healthy way.

4. Conflict Makes You Want to Run and Hide

Do you shy away from disagreements, even if something is bothering you? This could be a sign your inner child is afraid of getting hurt again. Inner child work can help you develop healthy communication skills and build stronger relationships.

5. Fun Feels Like a Distant Memory

Remember finger painting and building blanket forts? If the thought of pure fun makes you cringe, your inner child might be feeling neglected. Inner child therapy can help you reconnect with your playful side and experience more joy in your life.

At Holistic Healing & Wellness with Sabrina LLC, inner child therapy is a compassionate journey of self-discovery. We go beyond the surface level to get to the root and heal your inner child. The way we'll work together is different from therapy you may have done before because we combine clinical and holistic modalities like”

  • EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing): This powerful approach can help you gently reprocess traumatic memories and emotional responses from your childhood.

  • Parts Work: This approach views your inner world as a system of different "parts," each with its own needs, desires, and fears. By fostering compassion and communication between these parts, we can understand parts that may be holding onto past hurts and create harmony between them.

  • Somatics: This approach focuses on the connection between your mind and body. Through bodywork and mindfulness exercises, you can learn to release physical tension and emotional blocks that may be rooted in your past.

We may additionally include Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Reiki energy healing, and crystal work to support your recovery. Our specialties include anxiety, emotional neglect, people-pleasing, sexual assault, and complex trauma.

By combining these approaches, we create a holistic and personalized inner child healing experience. This allows you to reconnect with your younger self, heal from past hurts, and build a more fulfilling and joyful life.

Holistic Therapy for inner child healing, people-pleasing, and anxiety is available to residents of Florida, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Vermont.

Reaching out can feel so nerve-racking, but one of the most liberating things you can do for yourself. Schedule a FREE 30-minute Discovery Call to get started today!

About the author: Sabrina Gelsinger-Rodorigo, LCSW, RYT-200 is a psychotherapist and yoga teacher who truly values holistic care. She supports women to overcome childhood trauma and embody the joy they long for. HHWS specializes in people pleasing, anxiety, and childhood wounds to help you heal from trauma, reparent your inner child, and embrace your authentic self. This blog post is for informational purposes only and does not substitute for mental health or medical advice.


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